Shipping Policy

Welcome to Safeinsert (hereinafter referred to as the "Website"), your destination for adult glass and metal pleasure toys. Please familiarize yourself with our shipping policy before making a purchase. For any inquiries, kindly reach us at

 Shipping Time

Shipping Method Price Freight Time
Standard Shipping $0-$59 $7.99 10 Business Days
Free Shipping $59+ Free 8 Business Days
VIP Shipping All $12.99 6 Business Days


1. Shipping Destinations

At present, we exclusively ship to addresses within the United States. We do not offer international shipping.

2. Estimated Delivery Time

We strive to deliver your orders within an estimated time frame of 6 to 12 business days. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on the destination, shipping method, and other external factors. Be sure to check your order confirmation for more specific delivery details.

3. Shipping Fees

Shipping fees are calculated based on the selected shipping method and your delivery location. You will be able to view the shipping costs during the checkout process.

4. Order Tracking

You will receive an order confirmation email with tracking information once your order has been shipped. This will allow you to monitor the status and expected delivery date of your order.

5. Shipping Discreetness

We understand the importance of privacy. All orders will be discreetly packaged without any explicit labeling of the contents. Your order will arrive in plain and unmarked packaging.

6. Shipping Partners

We collaborate with trusted shipping partners to ensure the safe and timely delivery of your orders.

7. Shipping Changes

We may revise and amend our shipping policy from time to time. Any modifications will be posted on the website and will become effective immediately upon posting.

Thank you for choosing safeinsert for your adult pleasure toys. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.